Code of Conduct

1. Introduction

At Foxglove Energy Supply Ltd we are driven by our commitment to sustainability, innovation and ethical business practices. Our mission is to provide clean, renewable energy solutions that help combat climate change while delivering value to our stakeholders.

This Code of Conduct outlines the highest standards and behaviours expected by all employees, contractors, suppliers and stakeholders in every aspect of our operations.

2. Environmental

• We recognise our role in protecting the environment and are committed to developing renewable energy projects that minimise ecological impact. Our goal is to achieve carbon neutrality and support global efforts to limit climate change.

• We evaluate the environmental impact of our projects throughout their life-cycle from design to development to decommissioning. We aim to minimise negative impacts on biodiversity, water resources and land use.

• We implement best practices to prevent pollution and reduce emissions. This includes using clean technologies, managing waste responsibly and reducing our carbon footprint through energy efficiency and sustainable practices.

• We source materials and components from suppliers that adhere to ethical and sustainable practices. We prioritise recycled, renewable and low-impact materials wherever possible.

• We strive to minimise our consumption of energy across all operations, continuously seeking ways to improve efficiency.

• We comply with all environmental laws and regulations. This includes obtaining necessary permits, conducting environmental impact assessments and adhering to industry standards.

3. Corporate Responsibility

• We actively engage with local communities in order to build strong relationships and understand their needs and concerns. We seek to involve them in the decision-making process for all our projects.

• We ensure that our projects provide tangible benefits to the communities where we operate such as job creation, infrastructure development and local investment.

• We support social and environmental initiatives that align with our mission. This includes providing educational programs and activities related to renewable energy and sustainability and long-term economic benefits to the communities in which they operate.

• We are committed to upholding and promoting human rights as defined by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. This commitment is integral to our operations, supply chain and stakeholder engagements.

4. Workplace Conduct

• We provide equal opportunities to all individuals which ensures that no job applicant, employee or works is discriminated against either directly or indirectly on the grounds of age, gender, race, sexual orientation, religion, disability or any other protected characteristic.

• We are committed to creating an inclusive working environment where everyone is respected, irrespective of diversity and can flourish equally without fear or favour.

• We do not tolerate behaviour or attitudes that support coercion, intimidation or discrimination.

• We are committed to maintaining a safe workplace, adhering to strict health and safety standards. This includes conducting regular safety checks, providing necessary protective personnel equipment and ensuring all employees are trained in safety protocols.

• Employees are required to report any accidents, injuries or unsafe conditions immediately. We investigate all incidents thoroughly and take corrective action to prevent future occurrences.

• We expect all employees, contractors and suppliers to act with integrity and professionalism in their interactions with colleagues, suppliers, and contractors. This includes being honest, fair and respectful in all communications and transactions.

• Harassment, discrimination or any form of abusive behaviour is strictly prohibited. We provide a safe and supportive environment for employees to report any concerns without fear of retaliation.

5. Compliance with Laws and Regulations

• We operate in full compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. This includes employment laws, environmental regulations and industry specific standards.

• We have zero tolerance for bribery, corruption or any form of unethical behaviour. Employees are prohibited from offering, giving, soliciting or accepting any form of bribe or reward.

• Whilst modest gifts and hospitality may be acceptable in certain contexts, they must never influence or appear to influence business decisions. Employees must disclose any gifts or hospitality received and seek approval from the HR Director prior to acceptance of such gift or hospitality.

• All employees are expected to fully comply with their tax obligations. Tax evasion and fraudulent non-payment of tax is illegal. We never engage in tax evasion or assist anyone else to do so.

• We provide a secure and confidential channel for employees to report any violations of this Code, illegal activities or unethical behaviour. Whistleblowers are protected from retaliation and their reports are taken seriously and investigated thoroughly.

• We abide by and are consistent with the relevant modern slavery legislation in the UK. We ensure that all our suppliers and contractors employ all employees on a voluntary basis and do not use any prison, slave bonded, forced or indentured labour or engage in any other form of slavery or human trafficking

6. Conflicts of Interest

• Employees must avoid situations where their personal interest’s conflict with those of the Company.

• Employees are required to disclose any actual, potential, or perceived conflicts of interest to their managers or HR Director. The Company will assess the situation and determine appropriate measures to mitigate the conflict.

7. Confidentiality and Data Protection

• Employees, suppliers and contractors are expected to comply with the relevant Data Protection legislation, including the UK General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018.

• Employees must respect the confidentiality of the Company’s proprietary information. This includes following Company protocols for data security and shall not share information with unauthorised parties.

• We respect the confidentiality of information obtained from third parties, including employees, suppliers and contractors. We do not use or disclose this information without the relevant authority to do so.

• We respect the intellectual property rights of others and do not engage in activities that infringe on these rights such as unauthorised use of copyrighted materials, patents or trademarks.

8. Social Media and Public Communications

• Employees must not share confidential or proprietary information on social media. They should be mindful of the impact their online behaviour may have on the Company’s reputation.

• Only designated spokespersons are authorised to speak to the media on behalf of the Company. All media inquiries should be directed to the relevant department.

• All public communications should be accurate, consistent and aligned with the Company’s values and messaging. Employees must not make false or misleading statements about the Company, its operations or its competitors.

9. Continuous Improvement

• We encourage innovation and continuous improvement of our employees. We promote a culture of continuous learning, offering opportunities for professional development and skills enhancement.

Employees are encouraged to stay informed about industry trends and advancement in renewable energy technologies.

10. Review and Updates

• This Code of Conduct will be reviewed regularly and updated as necessary to ensure it remains relevant and effective.